Lecture1: Prof. David Gershon: Sales and Marketing Techniques from the Founder of SuperDerivatives

"Marketing starts when you identify your target audience, and relevant communities."

Prof. David Gershon

Prof. Gershon is a 25-year veteran of the FinTech industry who founded SuperDerivatives, one of the most influential FinTech companies in the financial derivatives sector. After Selling his company in 2014 Prof. Gershon joined the Hebrew University and engaged in his new mission to assist FinTech companies in growing their business and the FinTech industry in Israel to reach a larger scale. For this purpose, he established the Gershon FinTech center at the Hebrew University.

Prior to SuperDerivetives Gershon worked as an option trader on Wall Street and in the City of London and his last role was global head of options for Barclays capital.
