The Gershon Fintech Center Inauguration and information about the international Options & Fintech conference events
We are glad to report that the inauguration of The Gershon Fintech Center of the Hebrew University will include 3 major events in the first week of December.
A Video Mini-course on Sales & Marketing is Now Available
A Video Mini-course on Sales & Marketing is Now Available for You
We are glad to inform you that we have uploaded a free online practical mini-course on Sales and Marketing Techniques of Financial Products and services to the Gershon FinTech Center website. The course contains eight separate video lectures of 30 minutes each in B2B, B2SMB and B2C.
Participating in an international conference
Prof. Gershon is lecturing on behalf of the Fintech Center in an international conference in Lisbon. for more inforamtion click here:
A large Selection of MBA Courses in FinTech
The FinTech Entrepreneurs WhatsAPP Group
To your request, we have opened a Whats App group for FinTech entrepreneur and professionals. The group is a place to receive or provide advice, connections, events, or relevant information.
Sales and Marketing Workshop April 29th 2018
We had a very successful workshop on ‘Sales and Marketing Techniques’ and we thank you for your support and participation. The workshop was widely covered in the media (please see below). We had a full venue hosting much more than expected participants. We are very pleased that many participants wrote us that they found the lectures very helpful for the success of their company and made them rethink about their whole growth strategy.