"Fintech companies who touch the money tend to grow bigger than those who only service those who touch the money. Leadership within a niche have a huge premium."
Yuval Tal
Yuval Tal is the founder, President and board member of Payoneer, one of the most successful B2B cross-border payment platforms. Before founding Payoneer in 2005, Tal co-founded Borderfree (NASDAQ: BRDR), and was its CEO from 1999-2005. Borderfree is a provider of services that expedite cross-border ecommerce and payments for many large online and offline retailers. Tal previously served as vice president of business development for RADWARE (NASDAQ: RDWR). He is a member of YPO and an angel investor in number of start-ups in the payment space, including ZooZ and TravelersBox.
Tal is a member of Harvard Business School plan for managers. Tal holds a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering and a M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering, with minor in business administration, from Tel Aviv University